You can alter any recipe to suit your needs. The usual reasons for modifying a recipe are that you wish to apply Ratings or change the Categories, but you can change anything else as well. First, bring up the recipe you want to modify: either double-click on its title or select it, then either click the View Recipe button or choose Show Recipe Card on the Recipes menu. If you want to modify a particular part of the recipe, you can either double-click on that part or just select Modify Recipe Item on the Recipe Card menu. The window that comes up then lets you edit each part of the recipe in turn. The Editing: pop-up menu at the top lets you go to any particular part, and the >> and << buttons take you to the next and previous parts of the recipe, respectively. Most of the recipe editing windows are quite straightforward, but there are separate help topics on Editing Ingredient Lists and How To...Give Recipes Ratings to help you out there. Any time you want to undo the changes to a recipe made since you started work on it, click on the Revert button. The changes to the recipe as a whole are not actually saved back to the recipe file until you close the editing window by clicking OK.